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对于澳大利亚购房合同中日落条款(Sunset Clause)的简介和新政解读

澳大利亚普亚律师事务所 王人杰律师---2017年5月22日

对于澳大利亚购房合同中日落条款(Sunset Clause)的简介和新政解读

澳大利亚普亚律师事务所 王人杰律师


在澳大利亚购买期房(off the plan properties)的合同当中,都会有一个叫sunset date的概念,即最晚交房时间。因为本身澳大利亚期房合同中没有具体交房时间的原因,所以买卖双方都可以在超过了该最晚交房时间之后,还没有能交房的情况下,终止购房合同或购房交易,买家可以拿回已经支付的款项,来避免无限期等待交房的情况发生。该项条款一般被称为sunset clause (日落条款)。


首先我们要明确的是上述所说的sunset date,即最晚交房时间并不是实际交房时间,而是一个让买卖双方都可以在超过该时间后,如果还没能交房的情况下,终止或者退出购房合同或购房交易的时间。因此,从另一个角度去解读的话,该时间又可以被理解成为最早买方可以退出合同的时间。一般而言,该最晚交房时间都会远长于实际交房时间,因为作为卖方而言,比较长的时限可以更大程度上的包容在开发或建造过程当中可能产生的延误。同时,也能够给予买方一个比较确定的被合同约束的时限。所以,日落条款一般来说都是保护买卖双方利益的。



可是在前几年,在新南威尔士州(NSW) 房价高速上涨的特殊背景之下,也曾经有卖方,虽然是个例,利用过该条款的漏洞,来终止与原买家的合同,从而再高价卖出。所以新南威尔士相关政府部门就重拳出击,颁布了新的法令来加强对于买方的合法保障。



Rescission under sunset clauses

66ZL Rescission under sunset clauses

(1) In this section: 
"off the plan contract" means a contract for the sale of a residential lot (the 
"subject lot" ) that has not been created at the time that the contract is entered into. 
"residential lot" means a lot (whether a strata lot or otherwise) that is residential property within the meaning of section 66Q. 
"sunset clause" means a provision of an off the plan contract that provides for the contract to be rescinded if the subject lot is not created by the sunset date.
"sunset date" means the date set out in the off the plan contract as the latest date (subject to any extension provided for in the contract) by which the subject lot must be created.

(2) For the purposes of this section, a lot is created when the plan creating the lot becomes a registered plan.

(3) A vendor may rescind an off the plan contract under a sunset clause if the subject lot has not been created by the sunset date, but only if:

(a) each purchaser under the contract, at any time after being served with the notice under subsection (4), consents in writing to the rescission, or

(b) the vendor has obtained an order of the Supreme Court under this section permitting the vendor to rescind the contract under the sunset clause, or

(c) the regulations otherwise permit the vendor to rescind the contract under the sunset clause.

(4) It is a term of an off the plan contract that a vendor who is proposing to rescind the contract under a sunset clause must serve each purchaser under the contract notice in writing at least 28 days before the proposed rescission that specifies why the vendor is proposing to rescind the contract and the reason for the delay in creating the subject lot.

(5) A sunset clause cannot automatically rescind an off the plan contract and, if it purports to do so, it is to be read as if it instead permits the contract to be rescinded on or after the sunset date in accordance with this section.

(6) The Supreme Court may on the application of a vendor under an off the plan contract make an order permitting the vendor to rescind the contract under a sunset clause but only if the vendor satisfies the Court that making the order is just and equitable in all the circumstances.

(7) In determining whether it is just and equitable in all the circumstances the Court is to take the following into account:

(a) the terms of the off the plan contract,

(b) whether the vendor has acted unreasonably or in bad faith,

(c) the reason for the delay in creating the subject lot,

(d) the likely date on which the subject lot will be created,

(e) whether the subject lot has increased in value,

(f) the effect of the rescission on each purchaser,

(g) any other matter that the Court considers to be relevant,

(h) any other matter prescribed by the regulations.

(8) The vendor is liable to pay the costs of a purchaser in relation to the proceedings for an order under this section unless the vendor satisfies the Court that the purchaser unreasonably withheld consent to the rescission of the off the plan contract under the sunset clause.

(9) Nothing in this section limits any right that a purchaser may have to rescind an off the plan contract under a sunset clause.

(10) Notice may be served on a purchaser by serving it on a person who is authorised under the off the plan contract as a representative of the purchaser.

(11) A provision of an off the plan contract has no effect to the extent that it is inconsistent with this section.


● 卖方如果想要终止合同的话,必须给到买方至少提前28天的书面通知;

● 上述通知必须列明卖方想要终止合同的行为以及理由;

● 买方可以选择同意终止合同。如果买方不同意或者没有明确回复的话,那么卖方必须获得澳洲高等法院的法庭命令,才能够继续终止合同的行为。


●  合同本身的约定;

●  卖方终止合同的行为是否合理;

●  卖方未能按时交房或延迟交房的理由;

●  该项房产的市场价值是否已经上涨;

●  终止合同对于买方的影响;

●  其他法庭认为相关的事宜


Jobema Developments Pty Limited v Zhu [2016] NSWSC 3

作为‘新的起点’,该案件是新法令颁布后判决的第一个案件。该案件中的买方 (Mr. WU) 和原始卖方 (Xycom) 于2013年12月6日签订了期房买卖合同。合同中的日落时限为2015年12月31日。在2014年10月份,Xycom把整个项目卖给了新的开发商 (Jobema Developments),因此本身相应的买卖合同,包括 Mr.WU的合同也顺应地转接给到了新的开发商。在当时,原卖方 Xycom只进行了极少的建筑工作,以至于该项目直到2017年仍未能成交。在原始日落时限到期前,Jobema Developments曾经尝试和Mr. WU沟通,提出了延长日落时限的邀约,但是前提是Mr. WU需要接受涨价来变相承担增加的建筑费用。Mr. WU拒绝了该邀约和涨价的要求。在2015年12月1日,Jobema Developments发出了终止合同的书面通知给到 Mr. WU。并且在2015年12月22日,Jobema Developments向高等法院提出了申请法院令的诉求。

法官Justice Black驳回了Jobema Developments的申请,判决允许新卖方终止合同的诉求是不合理且不公平的。该案件判决的重点如下:

● 法院认为,Jobema Developments在接手原卖方楼盘的时候,清楚知道项目的具体进度。因此,在接手楼盘的同时,也承接了原卖方合同里面的义务,即竭尽所能地在日落时限前完成建造及相关注册;

● 另外,关于Jobema Developments认为在2014年其接手楼盘的时候,新法令的颁布是无法预见的观点,法院也予以驳回。法院认为法令的更新或改变,对于购买期房的买方提供了更多的保护,这是开发商应当预见的商业风险;

● 同时,法院还强调卖方或开发商应当给予所有买家公正和公平的对待。对于Jobema Developments有选择性地只针对同意其提出的邀约的买家来延长日落时限的行为,也是法院驳回其诉求的原因之一.





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